On January 4, 2017 at approximately10:27 a.m. St. Thomas Police responded to reports of a gunshot victim in the area of Estate Thomas. The male victim was transported to the Roy Lester Schneider Hospital via ambulance.
The victim, was later identified as 23-year-old Lenny Hedrington, Jr., who was shot once in the head and succumbed to his injuries. Please help police solve this crime with any information you can provide.
On September 14, 2012, John Jacob Bierowski, known as “Jake,” was found dead in a house at Estate Pearl in circumstances the V.I. Police Department are calling a homicide. Bierowski was the 26-year-old son of the deceased St. Croix artist Betsy Campen. This case remains actively open and unsolved. Any information provided can help provide the family with closure and bring the attacker(s) to justice.
Please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-(tips)8477 or at www.crimestoppersvi.org or www.P3Tips.com. Crime stoppers pays up to $2500.00 for information leading to an arrest, seizure or drugs or weapons, and recovery of stolen property. If you SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.
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